Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday blues...

Well, nothing today jumped out at me as a potential play. The markets were mixed and for some reason, I did not see much mention of a revised GDP number reflecting a statistical anomoly from last Friday. My friends over at brought this to my attention (by the way, TraderTim's site is one of the BEST out there for Technical Anlaysis, and since he is a UberBear, it is nice to have someone who plays the "darkside" of the market).

With mid-term elections looming next week, the market may act a little crazy. In my opinion, if the Democrats take over both the House and Senate, I believe the markets will fall. Why? Well, the Dems would want to raise the minimum wage, cut some tax breaks, tax Big Oil uber-profits, and do some other anti-business measure that will harm the economy. Plus, having a Democratic Congress with a Republican President is like trying to mix oil and doesn't work.

Should the economy slow and head into recession, a stock you may want to consider is CSH:

This stock has been on a tear lately and it will continue to fly into a recession because they are Pawn Shops. So when folks are struggling financially, this could be a place they turn to.

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