Thursday, October 26, 2006

CRRazy earnings season

I have come to learn over my 15 months of trading that earnings are always a crapshoot. Many times I read "Blowout earnings" or "Record Earnings" only to see a stock plummet. Well, yesterday I suggested CRR as a potential play, but gave the caveat that earnings were today. Well, I hope you heeded my warning as the stock has dropped over $2.50 today. Just goes to show that buying into earnings is ALWAYS a "buyer beware" situation.

Another idea...BLUD (remember, click on the picture to enlarge it, then "back" on your browser to return to the blog)

This is a SWEET looking chart as far as I am concerned. As an INVESTools student, this baby has all the elements of a "buy" signal. Uptrending stock, breaking resistance on good volume, MACD bottomed out and heading bullish, and STO bottoming out and heading bullish. The fundamentals are solid too (6/2, 2/0).

I have no freaking clue where BLUD can go, but I will be playing trailing stops until it takes me out. Hopefully, it will be a GREAT ride to the top!

Happy Trading!

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