Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Market Is Out to Get Me!

Well Traders, sometimes I believe the market is out to get me. Today ANDE was down pretty good on light volume. This was the second day in a row in which the stock was down a sizeable amount on light volume. According to my trade plan, I was to get out if the stock reached $37, which is did around 10:30 AM. I called my broker and placed my sell order which was executed and swear to God, not 10 seconds after my shares sold, the stock soared $1.20 in 45 minutes! Just CRAZY! Here is the 3 minute Intra-day chart:That is just amazing! I could not have timed my exit any worse. When I see things like this it just makes me nuts! That being said, the stock did bounce off the support line in it Ascending Channel and if it goes up more tomorrow, I'll get back in since there is still $5-$6 left in a run-up. I do hate unnecessary losses, but I planned my trade, and traded my plan, so even though it is a loss, I did what I was supposed to do. Let's see if we can get in tomorrow (assuming it is up) and make back what I lost?

Happy Trading!

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