Thursday, February 08, 2007

ANDE Away We GO!!!

Well Traders, there it is, the breakout that pushed ANDE over its Triple Top. Look at that volume! Looks like the Corn Train is pulling away from the station!! We'll have to see how earnings plays out today which will either help the stock, or hurt it. I actually took a half position on Wednesday in anticipation of today's announcement. Now we have a very strong support area (previous resistance) in which to bounce from. If it comes back to that line, I will wait for the actual bounce before adding to my position. If it starts to run up even further, then I'll add more, though it will be less profitable than the bounce. Time will tell.


Looks like Eagle Materials is setting up for a nice bounce here. I am being the Lion and laying in wait for this one. I could pull the trigger today or tomorrow if it bounces and let it run up for a nice gain. Here is the chart:Real Estate (IYR)

I was poking around on the Real Estate ETF (IYR) in order to pull out the stocks that comprise it to find that this is a HOT sector. Almost ALL of the stocks are having amazing runs right now so you may want to look in that sector to find some treasures. I will be uploading another ETF, XLE, the Energy Sector one to see what looks good there. It is my goal to have all the sector ETF's in their own Watch Lists so when I see a sector starting to do well, I can jump in on the stocks in that sector. Remember Traders, "A rising tide lifts ALL boats."

Happy Trading

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